Without any input it's tougher to want to add to it but it's not like me to ignore thinking about racing stuff because it's tough to think about, so here goes.
I have two thoughts to extend the process and both deal with what I'm thinking a driver may need to do to find balance per track conditions and what they've been given to use setup wise on the track. And I've never driven anything with power enough or enough seat time to know from experience if what I'm thinking is correct. I can only suspect it might be correct from the progression of what thought about and tried to put down on here.
Normally in the past for me balance or a balanced setup was only about being able to apply weight somewhat evenly to the right side tires so they would be evenly able to hold the car in. Naturally it included every day thoughts of how to have a balanced setup you must not have too much grip present either front or rear. The normal everyday thought process for most on that is if you have too much grip up front then your going to be loose and if you have too much grip in the back it's going to push.
And naturally my thoughts on both are instead if it's loose then you need more grip in the back and if it pushes you need more grip in the front. I generally never think about resolving a problem by reducing grip. My other general thought process is you can never have too much grip, you can only have the inability to use what grip you have and pretty much you never ever think about fixing an on track problem by reducing grip and speed. Only track/tire conditions can reduce your grip and speed per your drivers skill and experience.
Because of what I wrote in this thread I have for me at least a new thinking about loose as it pertains to Lates. If i'm correct about being able to get true rear steering from the rear by applying acceleration towards the inside of a 'pinned' right front tire then the balance of applied hp per available grip a Late driver needs to use does two things. One is the same as any other type of car if they spin the back tires, become loose, then the back is going to swing around on them. The ability of the fronts to steer the car while the driver is causing the back to break loose will remain mostly constant. But if there is actually rear steer going on per my thoughts about accelerating to the inside of a 'pinned' right front tire, when a driver over uses hp causing the rears which are contributing to steering to spin, will cause a Late to want to go over the edge of grip, cushion or what ever is holding the car in more with both the front and back then other cars.
From that I'm going to say a major difference between lates and maybe stocks >'might'< be a stock would be prone to snap loose earlier then a Late and a Late would be more prone to drift over the edge of grip being more susceptible to a four wheel drift, with any snap loose coming more towards exit. Yes I don't have a clue if the conclusion and what I wrote in this paragraph is correct. The difference coming from a Lates ability to 'pin' the right front tire. All written for my fun of writing about my thoughts and not having a clue and looking for answers.
edit: YES the part about the comparison between Lates and Stocks was a stretch of my imagination. ... but it would be nice to hear it is a valid comparison???
Edited by dirtstudent2, 04 December 2018 - 12:56 PM.