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Member Since 08 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 19 2020 11:12 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Lernerville 2020

12 December 2019 - 12:07 PM

i think lernerville is going in the right direction finally .why not open the rules up and let american racers in ??

In Topic: Not exactly a racing topic

01 May 2019 - 11:04 AM

How true

In Topic: Zambotti Dominant at Hagerstown - 4 in a Row

29 April 2019 - 04:04 AM

2 bbl carbs    410 ci or smaller engine

In Topic: Latrobe Speedway

14 December 2018 - 12:03 PM

My point is you dont have to use steel to get a monte carlo look 

In Topic: Latrobe Speedway

13 December 2018 - 12:32 PM


This question is for all Penn- Ohio owners and drivers, would you like to see the series rules say you have to race a steel body 80"s or 90"s. Or do you like the way it is now and has been.          Good Luck finding a 80"s style body to-day. JUST MY OP.


steel no. Aluminum yes the monty body is no harder to make once you have the pattern. and its easer to work on the motor