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Member Since 09 Jan 2009
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In Topic: tuesday practice

30 August 2010 - 10:55 AM

When is the next tuesday practice going to be if any at all.

this Tuesday August 31st

In Topic: Trucks not racing the rest of July?

11 July 2010 - 03:00 PM

First off, this is NOT intended to be a "they're changing the schedule again" conversation. From what I understand about some of the talk in the pits last night, it was said that the trucks are not racing the rest of July. Is this correct? Are the trucks NOT racing the next 3 weeks? I simply would like to make some long needed Family plans and would like to have track personnel confirm this before I make any out of town plans. Thanks for any clarification of this matter. ;) Again, for all the people sitting behind your computers and just waiting for a topic to come up so you can whine and complain like little girls about Waynesfield, go find something else to do instead!!! ;)

This is Dean Miracle Trucks are scheduled for the 31st of July. There is no race 17th and they are off on the 24th.

In Topic: Waynesfield Test n Tune

05 July 2010 - 05:24 PM

Pit pass on sale 5:00 for test and tune July 6th $10.00 for anyone going into pit area Dean