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- Member Title Cool Newbie
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Saint Marys, PA
Posts I've Made
In Topic: bradford
06 March 2014 - 10:09 PM
In Topic: Austin Dillon
24 February 2014 - 03:56 PM
In Topic: 'The Bird ' Report
27 July 2013 - 08:24 AM
In Topic: 'The Bird ' Report
27 July 2013 - 08:23 AM
My response to “outlaw71”…
Where do I start? I know you don’t like me, but get real. If I was out to get you and didn’t want you to win, do you think you’d have STILL been able to win a championship? Whether YOU THINK we do things fairly or not, WE DO. I know I won’t convince you otherwise. But saying we have favorites is an outright lie. Face it, every racer that has a call go against them thinks that most of the time the track is wrong.
You said you personally witnessed me making a call when I had my back turned to what happened on the track. Not sure what you’re referring to there, because BOB makes the calls. (See my comment to big-chassis above.) I don’t overrule the flagman or tell him he has to make a call any certain way. Oh, by the way, here’s how it works… Other officials TELL Bob what they saw. HE makes the call. Sometimes it may come out like they are saying what should happen, but THE FLAGMAN has the final say and can go along with what someone else says or do things differently.
Now, will I only listen to someone if I “like” them? No. But if someone is yelling, screaming, and just plain wants to vent by hollering at me… No, I don’t have the time of day for that person. As I’ve said many times at the track, nothing good is going to come of that conversation so I will simply walk away. Some people should be glad I do that.
In regards to the statement “A track promoter shouldn’t be wearing a headset let alone making calls on the track”… First, I am not a track promoter. You raced there for 9 years and don’t even know what I do? I am the Program Director. I coordinate things amongst the other track officials. As I already stated, I do NOT overrule calls made. If I have to make a decision other than what they can do, I can and will do so. But I have never once changed a decision made by the flagman. Period.
And, finally, as for cutting a class and pocketing the money… The class that was eliminated was bringing an average of 10 cars a night. It paid $175 to win. When the class went away, so did the people coming into the pits with those cars, and all the TONS of family and friends everyone wants us to think they have in the stands just to watch THEM. So how much money do you think is left to spread around? Plain and simple, the class was dying, and we didn’t see it being a viable option to contribute to the show down the road. It had nothing to do with saving/pocketing money. Any further discussion… I’d suggest you have it with Louie.
In Topic: 'The Bird ' Report
27 July 2013 - 08:13 AM
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