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Member Since 08 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2015 09:39 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Rumors

03 September 2015 - 01:32 PM

There have been many rumors about Marion Center over the years, maybe enlighten us as to what you are referring to.

In Topic: Pennsylvania Late Model Legends

30 August 2015 - 09:02 AM

Sheetz McGarvey was always one of my favorite drivers. It's just a shame his life was cut short.

In Topic: Thunder Mountain Results for 8-7-15

10 August 2015 - 09:56 PM

Bo I think you have done really well in a short amount of time. Keep doing what you've been doing and improving on things and you'll have something to be proud of.
If you look at the people that have been talking shit on about your track on here, they are also the people that have been saying the same thing about other tracks as well. I for one would love to see these people try to "attempt" to run a race track even if it's only for a month. Instead of telling Bo how to run his track why don't you guys that claim to know it all go show him..... oh wait it's cause you have no clue how!!!
Bo keep up the good work and ignore the negative people and build off of the positive input. If these people that talk shit were truly race fans they would support you no matter what cause even the best tracks all over the country have bad nights. How many times do you negative people have to be told that in this economy we have now, if you continue to bash these places there is going to come a day that us guys that were born with dirt track racing in our blood, will no longer have a place to race or go to watch.
Again.... Thank you Bo for all you have done. Sincerely, Brian

In Topic: Thunder Mountain Results for 8-7-15

08 August 2015 - 05:07 PM

This is the man's first time ever operating a race track. How about instead of talking shit on the guy, step away from your keyboard and go help him. Greaseball if you're not going to be part of the solution at least keep your mouth shut. IMO he has done really well for taking a track that has set empty for years and bringing back to life. Obviously he loves racing more than you because he's investing a lot of money and time to make it happen, more than I can say for you selling your food stamps to pay your internet bill to bash him for NO reason. How many tracks have you ever seen raise their purse and give racers fuel as a way to give back for everyone that has supported them?