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michael myers

Member Since 01 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 08 2020 07:30 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Sharon speedway shut down

14 July 2020 - 10:12 PM

Not just some jerk looks like there was hundreds of jerks not wearing masks or keeping their distances or are you talking about the track is some jerk because it looks like they should've done a better job of telling people it's important or I don't know am I confused is the track the jerk because they weren't supposed to be racing and they put all those people in danger who knows the whole story?

Nobody there was put at risk by anybody but ourselves. If your that damn scared stay home. If you want to live your life go. No damn politician is going to tell me how to live my life, and by the looks of the crowd many other fans felt the same way. 

In Topic: Sharon 7/12 story & results; Kyle Larson wins All Stars & Steve Pedle...

14 July 2020 - 10:04 PM

Was this Kyle Larson's first race since he hung up that noose in the garage I didn't think he was allowed to race any more since he's a racist he lost his ride and sponsors and everything I guess Sharon Speedway let him race.

put the keyboard away and go back to protesting idiot.

In Topic: Pa. Race Tracks

19 March 2020 - 09:20 PM

Oh yeah I'd hate for you not to be able to go to the races I'm sure that's the most important thing going on right now selfish idiot you probably want to still go out to dinner and don't understand why everyone is staying home this just the flu right I hope all the bozos with that cavalier attitude don't have to pay the piper and worst of all you're putting other people at risk but oh man if racetracks close you just won't be happy I sure hope you get your way (not).

Hildo, what the hell. Learn to write sentences. 

In Topic: ppms

24 December 2019 - 04:28 PM

Ds2, I hope the heck your wrong. They get into kart racing they'll destroy that too. Briggs has a stk class to get started in and they go up from there.

So now they want to start selling kart engines ? What a joke.

I haven't been to a kart track in years. I used to go up to slippery rock on occassion. I can't see father's wanting to get involved. You venture to kart racing more than me so I'll be interested in what your take is on this subject.

The brigs class has died off since the clone craze. Kart counts have fell off alot most paces with slippery rock being the exception around here in western pa. Burris used to be the mandated tire for years around here and now that has pretty much ended. the burris tire was junk if it was not cut,and prepped correctly for the track conditions. We tried hoosier kart tires years back at slippery rock and they were 50/50 at best. maxxis &,vega have the best kart tires if it is a open tire rule. spec. hoosier tire is a joke,just a money maker for the series.