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Member Since 12 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2013 10:36 PM

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In Topic: Motordrome 2014

06 November 2013 - 03:42 PM

Just wondering if stan has paid all of the race teams,and all of the track employees yet.I know of a few employees that not been paid since the middle of august.As for the chevron gas well thing i work in the gas well industry and of today,chevron or any other companies have submitted any paperwork for a well at that location. Nearby yes but not at the track itself.

In Topic: Who can stop the Bleeding?

25 August 2013 - 04:23 PM

Well,well,well , as the Motordrome season nears the end the same old sh*t seems to be taking place. The stands are thinning out and the racers (who are receiving a monetary reward) are fed up. Bounced checks? Come on. The racers supply you(Stan Laskey) with a service and you credit them by giving checks that will not cash because of insufficient funds. Just walk away and let someone else run that track like it should be run. You have ran it into the ground and this same thing happened last year where drivers did not receive their rewards from the piney laskey race until you got bailed out by an unknown source. You are not a businessman and have no clue how to run a race track. Give it up and get out. Sell your cars or convert to dirt would probably be the best option because I envision gas wells on the property by this time next year.

Kind of makes you wonder how much money Stanley is stuffing in his pockets from all the food thats being sold to all the free ticket holders.Sure not going to racers or even the workers. Guess he needs to go to vegas one last time in november and everyone else is paying foe it.At least when mileys ran it people got paid,as they were business people,not pretenders like Lasky.


14 August 2013 - 12:03 PM

I heard the #83 late model was at the track practicing on Thursday night. That would be kinda hard to do if the place was padlocked. Would be curious to hear what four late model teams are trying to buy track.

From what i was told Wiltrouts car owner is the main one,if he can come to a deal with the mileys to pay off what stanley owes them.


11 August 2013 - 07:19 PM

word is that four late model drivers have a deal worked out to buy the track.Stan wont be there next year,so if its true the new owners are probaly the ones responable for the free tickets this year thru some of there sponsers in order to build a fan base for next year. It has to be driving stan nuts to see the place packed every friday,when he only did it one or two times over the past few years.Its only a rumor but all i can say is good luck to possible new owners,and goodby stan,dont let the door hit you on the way out.

In Topic: motordrome-just curious. cmon mileys help us.

18 January 2013 - 10:45 AM

Anybody doing any work on there cars? Lets see the rule changes are up - made by lasky. But we don't know if lasky is. even running the track. Besides that will the rules be enforced if he does or ignored as usual.or will he enforce them on some and not all. I am certain some will be ignored like the charger rules-whats he gonna do if a guys wheel wells and stock floor pan are removed? So we cant get an answer on the track and who's running but we r supposed to make changes? I truly wished I liked dirt because this is some real b.s.. the general concesus is we would love for mileys to take the track back. Maybe we would know wat the hell is going on. We aren't changing anything at the eleventh hour- we will either be allowed to run what we ran last year or we wont run. Situation normal all f'd up. Next time some idiot gets on here and says his grateful we all should be for our selfless promoters- I hope they choke on their words. Joel minjock- minjock racing. P.s. I know asphalt racing suks- they should make it dirt.......saved u the time.

wish i knew. i have worked there quite a few years,have not heard anything yet.according to the web site there is a total of 12 races scheduled.lose 2 or 3 to rain just dont make much sense even opening for the season.either have a full season or let someone different mileys or otherwise run it before lasky runs it into the ground more than he already has.just look at the poor fan count all of last year even for half price nights.the racers and fans deserve more than what lasky has to offer.but also do we really want the mileys back just look at some of the posts about all the crap at ppms.would it just be cutting off your nose to spite your face.