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Member Since 24 Oct 2009
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In Topic: PPMS Drops The Ball... Again

26 July 2017 - 10:56 AM

Emma's niece would have had to lease it to Red and Dale for 1 year I believe in order to keep the Miley's out. After that year the first right of refusal would have been null and void, then she could have sold it to Red and Dale the next year. Or she had to let the track sit for a year, I forget. Regardless, I assume she wanted the money ASAP and didn't care about racing or Nick and Emma's legacy either.

If I remember correctly, the lease said that the Miley's would have to maintain the facilities, in the same condition, as when the lease started, they hadn't, so it would have cost them a fortune, in repairs/compensation. So, they decided to buy it, thereby using the money they would have spent, to bid against Red. In retrospect, the track's fate was sealed, then and there.



In Topic: What's the Kugel story on getting DQ'd

23 July 2017 - 04:00 PM

Queen's do not say please


In Topic: What's the Kugel story on getting DQ'd

20 July 2017 - 11:08 AM

In the position she is in. Queen Bee of RUSH. She had NO business getting involved as she did. There are people that are being paid by rush to go out and do the tech inspections. It sounds as if she definitely singled out Kugel. If someone from HER tech staff told Rocky that he was ok then she should have the issue with HER tech man. I don't know how many of you were around when the Emig's ran Lou Gentile in the 6 cylinder class ? Many thought things in that car were not up to snuff and that they pushed the rules. But, back then, all the car had to do was look like it belonged in the class you were racing.

That is still how it is at PPMS, on a regular night, unless you stink up the place and win by half a lap going away, and aren't on management's darlings list!



In Topic: http://www.post-gazette.com/local/west/2017/06/30/North-Fayette-s-speedway-ma...

01 July 2017 - 09:49 AM

I agree virgin dirt. If this wasn't a done deal I doubt it would be covered by every major news paper in the city.

Every Paper??? OMFG!


It's the ONLY Paper, and a $hitty One, at that!



In Topic: Awtey Makes History at Jennerstown

30 June 2017 - 03:08 PM

Would you two, Please get a room???
