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Iron Horse Motors

Member Since 21 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2012 03:53 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Benefit for Brian Cowboy Steinman

27 August 2012 - 02:10 PM

Thats great news.. can anyone or will anyone offer a report on his progress or what his primary issues from the accident are?

In Topic: boland gets dq'ed for talking out swartzlander

18 July 2012 - 11:25 AM

LOL... i dont post on here much and yes I have driven race cars for 12 years and no I have not a single alliance with either of these guys but I must say.. The 777 driver better hope his case or ultimatley his fate does not hinge on the this video that should be labeled Modified "mud bus" take out 101... LOL. when a driver leaves his line mid corner while still in the throttle to make contact with the left rear corner of another car that my friends is a take out. Plain and simple.. Hell this would be a good video for cops to learn the commonly used take out or pit move I believe they call it!! I didnt/wont read all of these posts but I did see one that said it looked like the 777 hit a rut that caused contact.. BS, you can see his front wheels turn right in the middle of the corner leaving his commitment to the low line and if he did hook a rut theres a pedal generally located on the left side of the floor area that will stop or slow the car down very quickly to avoid contact.. commonly refered to as a brake.. Often you dont even have to let off the throttle to use it to slow the car down enough to maintain your line as opposed to launching it into the left rear of another car.. Kudos to the 777 you couldnt buy a better scenario for a take out and he executed it to perfection, its not as easy to take someone out as you may think, the stars must all be in line like they were here.. I realize alliance runs strong among fans but stevie wonder can see the intention here folks... I have no clue what happened leading up to or following this incident but this video speaks for itself.

In Topic: Danny Holtgraver!

18 July 2012 - 10:32 AM

Man was that fun!! Ive been racing and/or watching races for allot of years and that was one of the best times Ive had just watching a race.. For having a racecar that wasnt bad fast on the top he marched up through that first race like a seasoned vet! He and Kinser had the best race on the track for the last several laps.. He had the same roll going in the second race but was hung up behind the 2L on the bottom for to many caution free laps, he tried the top just enough times to know it wasnt the answer.. I raced wheel to wheel with Danny and Cody Darrah on serveral occassion in micros and I gotta tell you if I had to do that again lastnite I would have hoped like hell it was that D4 beside me and not the 4 of Darrah.. Cody pounded the ba'jesus out of that car and went nowhere.. Karlin www.ironhorsemotors.com