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Member Since 12 Nov 2001
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2017 03:38 AM

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In Topic: Lets see, who loves the Monster? 😂

31 July 2017 - 03:42 AM

I thought the track got a bit rougher in turns 1 and 3 as the night wore on. Talked to one of the super snuffers who said the same thing.   Went down to turn one to one to watch the second crate LM feature and noticed the difference to when I was there at the beginning of the night.  I said "something's going to happen on the start down here" - and it did.  The track also seemed to be more tacky and muddy after the sun went down and it got cool, which may have led to some drivers thinking they could dive into the turn and make it stick.  So I agree with Vince about some of the driving, too.