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Member Since 24 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2019 11:53 AM

#410352 Does having tons money make you a better driver?

Posted by manny on 26 July 2015 - 11:03 PM

Reading on Facebook that a certain driver is only good because he has a huge amount of backing dollars...I say he still has to go out and drive the car and make it work...what does everyone think about "super funded" drivers?

the money will only help get started. after that it's up to the driver. look at all of the sons of famous drivers. i doubt any of them used much of their own money to get started .once they drop the green flag money is useless. if you can drive you will stay 

#392472 Fab Four Mid-Season Championship Quick Results 6.20

Posted by manny on 21 June 2014 - 12:57 PM

Lernerville the way it should be and used to be.
A fast groove around the bottom and a curb to lean on at the top. It was a little rough last night but I think the track caught a lot of people off guard, guys get in a rhythm of setting up for the slick, seen quite a few tights cars struggling against the cushion. Best the tracks been all year in my opinion though.

sounds like the cushion is back in 3 and 4, it used to be pretty high. i can remember it being knee deep. all we need now is john flinner.

#385313 old race photos

Posted by manny on 30 January 2014 - 01:19 AM

what year was this with lynn in back?

i would guess somewhere between 1975-1979. motordrome. jack sotosky #30? but you probably already new that.