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Member Since 01 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 14 2013 08:15 PM

Topics I've Started

Race Cars for sale!!

25 August 2013 - 04:33 PM

I am selling my Camaro bodied pure stock as a roller. the body is kinda crappy but that can easily be fixed. frame is straight never been bent. I want $6000.00 has many new parts . comes with a truck load of tires, many spare parts, new bilstein shocks, afco springs to much to list. also comes with a complete metric car minus tranny. car is a feature winning car any night of the week. I also have a 2007 rocket chassis roller no spare parts but never bent good body many new parts & 8000.00 please don't hassle me about prices . this is what I want for my stuff.. it is not junk stuff. if you don't want to pay this much that's fine someone will because you couldn't build one of this much.. im never on so please call me or text me posting on here wont get you a response. my cell is 814-691-3361 thanks

Ride Height

01 May 2013 - 08:51 PM

Does Anyone have any Base line numbers that they found good for ride height in a metric chassis? I never measured mine . its kinda new to me and im not sure if this is an issue I should address.. any information is greatly appreciated. thanks