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Member Since 16 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2018 09:37 PM

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In Topic: Peterman/Lee/Martin question

09 October 2018 - 09:12 PM

Spending happens in every class. It's the same with economods. You have Wilson running the CRS PRI show car that sold for $30,000 ans the motor in that thing sings. Plus they pull in with a toter home... then you have Rhoades with a brand new lethal and a big motor. Those guys have $30,000 in their cars alone compared to Miller, Reinwald, and Alexander who have probably half that in total. Money doesn't always beat talent but it erases a deficit...

Then you have Lunger whining because pro mods couldn't run Elite series races and how it wasn't fair... Well there's a rush series for pro mods that economods can't run in so it looks fair to me. Not to mention it's not as if he doesn't have enough going on with the open emod, the pro mod, and the crate late... you can never keep the money train out of lower classes. If you can't beat em, move down and outspend them.

 I am very curious where your facts came from.  Please enlighten me as to where your information comes from and I will gladly set the record straight on your statements regarding Rhoades.  You are way off base and it is rather amusing to dismiss a 2017 XR1 emod and good motor as being underfunded.  Those guys you mentioned are all good racers but to assume they spend half of anyone is funny.  Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.  And how big of a motor do you get in a 360 ci limited class?