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Member Since 30 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2019 08:36 AM

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In Topic: Thought on classes to run on fridays at Lernerville

06 September 2019 - 10:36 AM

To me a good race does not involve big numbers. For instance, the sprints. Boycott? Those who boycotted where not missed racing wise. Fan wise maybe, but not show wise.  racing was great all year and didn't have to sit through b mains. late model races after Norris left were pretty good too other than they did seem to crash a lot more knowing they had a chance to win, but still good racing with just a few cars. Personally, I would rather see 10 cars put on a great race than 30 bore me to sleep. So, from a fans perspective, why change? Would like to see the stock rules opened up though.

In Topic: A J FLICK

22 August 2019 - 10:07 AM

Well honeybadger, I suppose that's possible.  Lol.

In Topic: A J FLICK

20 August 2019 - 12:52 PM

Shaffer being let go has to be by far the most surprising thing in motorsports in some time. I mean, its one thing to get rid of someone struggling but to get rid of someone who is winning? That's bizarre.

In Topic: Local sprint car drivers

23 July 2019 - 09:27 AM

I think what A.J has done at port is probably the biggest surprise. Not that he does not have the talent because we all can agree he does, but that's a totally different caliber out there and totally different environment. Really happy he is doing well cuz he is a great kid also.

In Topic: Lernerville Sprint car boycott over this friday?

23 May 2019 - 02:39 PM

Why would you not come just because there was only 11 cars? Sprint feature had great racing last week. Pure stocks still great. mods pretty good. Late model racing was good too.