They have differant subscription plans.1 yr 3yr and 5 yr. Plus there are the ones you can buy and there is no subcription plan it is good for as long as you own it. Bubba's in brookville has them on stock. They are hard wired or a rechargable for $482.30 that includes tax.
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In Topic: Mylaps tansponder...(the red one)
31 May 2015 - 10:15 PM
In Topic: Hummingbird
30 April 2015 - 11:46 PM
Wrong Charlie Powell he is from Brookville
In Topic: Mick Orsich/Ina Caltagarone Memorial Top Five
20 September 2014 - 09:39 AM
Throttle; To let u know i do not build motors.All motors i run or some that asks me i send them to r&r rebuilders. I did build the 01 in 2013 for steven. As for tech i told Louie i would help do tech the same as last year. Which i did check the other 3 cars, but not the 01. Told Orvie we would have to tech it because i built the car. As for wildbill i have no control on what he says or posts on here.
Charles Powell
In Topic: metal Brake
07 September 2014 - 08:44 PM
Is brake still for sale and your location
In Topic: Hummingbird alicia s.s. special
11 August 2014 - 08:31 PM
The s.s. special at hummingbird will be hummingbird rules. They will be allowing gen 1 style bert trannys but with a 100 lbs added near middplate.
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