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Member Since 01 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2014 10:57 PM

Topics I've Started


05 January 2014 - 07:31 PM

i know the guy that is buying tri-city and there is, in fact, a deal in place for the property, including financing. That sherrif's sale listing is a formality, but if the track is bought sooner, it will be avoided. And I was told that there is a contract with the owner, Roy Hill. and also it won't be 100 laps, it will be 30 laps, starting 30 cars. The rest is tow money The guy that is buying it is a credible businessman with many successful ventures, local and out of the area. According to others involved in the process, he is highly organized and has all his ducks in a row. So, I suspect there won't be an official announcement until the deal completely is ready to go. Projects of this size most def take time and lots of effort. I say we all should just stay tuned. We'll at least know what's up by February Sheriff sale