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Member Since 17 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 29 2013 11:17 PM

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In Topic: Who updates PPMS twitter???

11 September 2013 - 12:26 PM

What's " sad " is that you invented 10 bullshit screen names to attack some 19yr old girl that races a young guns car .... That's sad !!!

???? ummm ok? This is my only screen name.. so if you have the PROOF i'd love to see it, if not then you can shove your assumtions up your ass along with everyone else accusing me of stupid shit. I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone else for that matter. I never attacked her. You may want to get your FACTS straight before you point fingers as well. Go back through all her old twitter posts and you will clearly see who was the one doing all the attacking. I assure you it was not me. I can't help it that she cannot get over something that happened a YEAR ago. Not my issue that's hers. I moved on, its time she does too. And the same goes for the rest of you. That's all. :) Bye.

In Topic: Who updates PPMS twitter???

11 September 2013 - 12:07 PM

I completely blame the topic starter for coming up with her ridiculous conspiracy theory all because the person who voluntarily updates the track's twitter page forgot to post the crate results and track champion. If you don't go to the track then flame somebody for not providing you with quick enough free results then you bring the abuse on yourself.

What does Marice not putting Kyle was the Champion have to do with the harassment I have been getting on here? Please explain? Also I could careless what she has to say if your going to post the champions then post them all.. I also seen her nice little comment yesterday when everyone was attacking me and she posted "its kind of funny but also sad" as someone who is the face of the track that was completely uncalled for and I'd be ashamed if I were you.

In Topic: Lukon

08 September 2013 - 02:59 PM

I doubt that.

Wait wait wait... You SERIOUSLY dug through all the old race stud topics to find this one just to post on it?!? :lol: talk about no life..

In Topic: Who updates PPMS twitter???

08 September 2013 - 02:46 PM

I remember seeing someone post she is a "former" ppms pit lizard. I'm assuming someone took over her duties at the track?

I didn't know being friends with drivers makes someone a pit lizard. Funny thing is y'all "think" you know me but none of you do. Also didn't know DATING a driver made you a pit lizard.. Hmm damn they never thought me any of this in high school.. Probably why I'm not in high school anymore.. Maybe you should learn the same. Or not only reflects how you are as a person :)

In Topic: Who updates PPMS twitter???

08 September 2013 - 11:01 AM

she is a pit lizard

Is that seriously your argument? Wow kuddos for you.. Too bad I don't go too the races. Kinda hard to be a pit lizard. Good effort tho! Thumbs up!