I still do not understand what happened between Stan and Vikki that caused her to go off on her own and start the RUSH tour?
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In Topic: Stan Lester - FASTRAK - ask anything you want
18 November 2014 - 03:59 PM
In Topic: Sharon crates
13 November 2014 - 01:53 PM
If the tire they run now at PMS are to keep wrecks down I would hate to see what
happens with a tire that is going to cause more wrecks!!!!
I still can't figure why they crash so much at PMS the track is big with tons of room.
I totally disagree that the softer compound tire results in less wrecks.
The Legend is right again.
It goes back to what Jon said that unfortunately, the usually wide open style at PPMS allows drivers who have no car control to just put the hammer down and keep up with the pack and usually bounce of everything in the way. The times we were there this year, I seen the F1, 01, 03, 27J acting like human pinballs bouncing off cars all night long. Sometimes the car might be faster then the guys who are driving it.
In Topic: Greg Wilson Renegade Sprint winner at PPMS.
28 September 2014 - 02:15 AM
Its not hard to "follow" stats when the track sends out press releases every week.
In Topic: Greg Wilson Renegade Sprint winner at PPMS.
27 September 2014 - 11:55 PM
My buddies and myself aren't big sprint fans but we enjoyed the race. Was great seeing the top 3 run for the win so close. Usually sprint races there are snoozers. Flash49 I think you meant to say Daryl dominated that race. He was clearly the fastest crate car at PPMS the last 2 months. Hasn't finished worse then second since August 9th.
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