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Member Since 24 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2013 10:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Practice day at America's Motorsports Park

12 September 2012 - 08:10 PM

That's what they call, "keeping out the riff raff".

Haha this is 100% true

In Topic: 9 Year old in a Late Model

15 August 2012 - 08:45 PM

Nothing against this kid cuz he seems to hav some talent for a 9 year old but just watching the driving in the video it is easy to see that he isn't going to be competitive yet. He's just goin to be putting himself and the other drivers in danger if you throw him out there like that. More practice and experience in the car and someday he could be one hell of a diver.

In Topic: Sunday Racing at Dog Hollow

23 July 2012 - 07:05 AM

Really???? I thought it was a Dust Bowl with little or no passing! The only excitement in the race was the lap car that allmost caused (Mr. Clean)Sammy Stile "because he never hits another car"!!! To allmost get passed at the end! And then to make it worse...they run all the other divisions before the Latemodels! Everyone knows the Sprints allways ruin a track! So why nt run them last! Why not give the Latemodels the track for thier heats first??? When they could provide the fans with the best racing All This rain and still a dusty track...Track prep..None! Sprints????Half the d field was 305 sprints! Another lackluster race! Missed The Crate model feature! Abe....what race were you at????

Miley started 21st finished 6th. Could the track have been better, yes but lets not over exaggerate and say there was "little to no passing".

In Topic: Dog Hollow track prep

19 July 2012 - 04:34 PM

if mother natures waters it

The problem isnt the lack for watering the track its watering the track without the disc being used before hand. And seriously dude the cancelling because its sunny jokes are getting old.

In Topic: Dog Hollow update

15 July 2012 - 07:35 PM

i knew it would happen!!! :lol:

Then don't I'm sure you wont be missed. This event is for a good cause and people still can't support it just because of a few cancellations in the past. What is a track suppost to do when it rains heavy for an hr or more. Yes dog has made some questionable calls in the past but this cancellation was the unavoidable and the right call.