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Member Since 20 Jan 2002
Offline Last Active Sep 01 2021 05:42 PM

#446282 I see a tough road ahead for Mercer this year

Posted by 3799 on 18 January 2020 - 06:25 PM

Walt I think the track is in the township and not the borough of Mercer but I think they have always tried to be a good neighbor at Michaels Mercer Raceway and tried to cooperate with Mecer I think when Vicky owned the track they had a midnight curfew.

There has never been a curfew at Mercer. We had the state police there the night of the midget marathon, but they found out there was no curfew and left. The track is located in Findley Township. They will do just fine despite Mr. Kish's dire forecast of their future. Edward is carving out their own niche

#445512 28S returning to the track this weekend

Posted by 3799 on 03 October 2019 - 05:42 PM

My friend, Bob Schwartzmiller is going to racing his 28S at PPMS this weekend. Bob tells the story that his son Cole asked his Dad if he would race again. So Bob had the car gone over by Lynn Geissler and he is ready to race. Great story about a father and son.

#444040 Just so Sprint racers know extra cost at Mercer Saturday

Posted by 3799 on 14 July 2019 - 02:11 PM

I thought it was a great race Saturday. Nice field of primarily local cars. The fans did pay a premium, but they saw the local sprint cars compete for s good pay check. Brandon Spithaler was amazing especially in traffic. Thanks to Ed Michaels for a great show.

#441022 Passing of a legend

Posted by 3799 on 12 December 2018 - 06:00 AM

So sad to report that Ed Lynch Sr passed away unexpectedly. He was a fiery competitor, but if you took the time to get to know him, he was a great guy to talk with. God Speed Ed.

#439861 Mercer sold

Posted by 3799 on 12 September 2018 - 11:07 AM

Are you saying that because you know things changed and the deal fell through?  If so I'm sad to hear it.
edit:  or know the real story and know I was full of it and wrong at the time of my posting?  Your post makes me think I was either wrong to start with or if there was a deal going on it fell through.  I sure want to be able to go watch races at Mercer next year for many reasons.

What's important right now is to support Turkey and his race, The Little Guy Nationals. At the present time he is Mercer's best hope. Spreading rumours and third hand info is not going to help anybody.

#439662 Congratulations AJ Flick

Posted by 3799 on 01 September 2018 - 09:54 PM

History repeated itself tonight. David slayed Goliath. A J Flick beats Lance Dewease. Wins at Port Royal!

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#438863 Mercer

Posted by 3799 on 11 July 2018 - 10:26 PM


You make it sound a whole lot worse than it actually is. They explained why they chose the dates they did. They did not criticize anybody for supporting the stock car series. They asked drivers to consider racing at Mercer, but also said they perfectly understood if teams could not be there.

#438005 Mercer

Posted by 3799 on 04 June 2018 - 08:49 PM

So youre saying Altman is not charging a lease fee for this event and is letting a race go on, with concession and suite usage, without getting a cut of that profit? On land he is trying to sell? Cmon now.

Exactly right. Turkey, and his group are handling every aspect of this show. Bill Altman's only involvement was to rent the track. You can bet it took some convincing to get him to rent the track. Remember Turkey was around behind the scenes last year. Altman knows and trusts him. He is a good guy who along with a couple others like Scott Priester are taking an enormous risk. Vince you did a great job with the Laboon Memorial, but how would you react to comments like yours if you had to cover every aspect of the night, from renting the track, hiring the help, handling the concessions, pay the insurance, pay the utilities, and on, and on. Bill Altman is not well liked. We get it, but the guys TOTALLY in charge of this effort are well liked and respected. Hopefully they will get the support they deserve.

#435308 TRACKS

Posted by 3799 on 20 November 2017 - 02:02 PM

I mentioned on another thread Nov. 14 about with the Sharon and PPMS schedules it will be very hard for anyone who might buy Mercer as a race track.  No one commented on my post, so maybe no one cares???     With all the bigger paying races Sharon has on the schedule, it could effect Lernerville's car count as the number of drivers running twice a week is down in all three of the top classes.   Just look at the Modifieds between Lernerville & Sharon.   High costs are a major factor!!

I hate to say it Walt, but I think Mercer is history. Too bad a lot of memories were made there that are a huge part of Western Pa history. Sharon had raised the bar with their Super Series. Hopefully drivers and fans will step up now and support what they are doing. Who knows maybe Mercer failing will be a good thing for the overall health of racing in Western Pa. We have too many tracks which spreads car counts and fans too thin. It probably wouldn't hurt to eliminate or consolidate a couple divisions also.

#434867 rocky kugel

Posted by 3799 on 24 October 2017 - 05:32 PM

Rocky just posted on Facebook the cam in his four year old engine is legal. Now they can put his picture on their website and fancy pamphlets as their 2017 champion! The guy really put up with a ton of shit from RUSH, but in the end, he beat them. Congratulations on your championship.

#433214 Payout for Lernerville

Posted by 3799 on 28 August 2017 - 11:27 PM

He didn't assume the risk. He sued everybody and their cousin.

#433100 Payout for Lernerville

Posted by 3799 on 23 August 2017 - 10:34 PM

Lernerville has has had more Sprints for regular shows than Williams Grove. Most nights for a regular Friday they get 22-25. Lincoln and Port average about the same for regular programs. Not arguing quality of fields just number of cars. It's western PA fantasy to always assume everyone out east is jam packed every week. It is also true they dont run as many classes at certain tracks but central PA has super lates, stocks, 4 cylinders etc. They don't have e mods or crate mods/ lates but have legends, midgets, 4 cylinder thunders, super sportsman so they actually have just as many if not more classes. Just have to look at the other tracks like Trail Way and Susquehanna.

Other than their opener in March and one show in May, both of which drew 23 sprint cars, Williams Grove has had 26 or more 410 sprints for every race this year and over 30 a couple nights. Their count is not supplemented by 305 sprint cars like Lernerville either.

#432116 What's the Kugel story on getting DQ'd

Posted by 3799 on 20 July 2017 - 06:25 PM

no headliner.........i repeat, no headliner.......don't change your same old thinking, with everyone patting you on your back about how only big three can survive and keep a track open. i just proved to you one right up the road that is, and has survived.........with crates as a headliner........now your starting to sound like a liberal mike.........and i know your not........just say, yes it can be done.

Scott, my friend, we are talking about two different things. No headliners is your point, and my point is an all crate program will not support itself. Raceway 7 does have their act together. They also bring in sprints and late models several times a year, don't they? I think it's smart on their part. Just remember this Scott, the one track you singled out that races crate lates IS NOT A RUSH CRATE LATE TRACK!

#432087 What's the Kugel story on getting DQ'd

Posted by 3799 on 19 July 2017 - 09:54 PM

...which is part of the bigger problem, Mike. Rush is not and never has been about the racing, and it shows. If this is happening in one of her divisions why should we believe it's not happening in the others? We may not know exactly what the problem is from the stands, but we can sense a problem. Rocky is well liked in the stands because he is a good driver. Nascrap is losing fans, because they alienated racing fans to try to gain soap opera fans. Rush is more like a bad soap opera than a racing organization and we can feel it. 
BTW Mike, I love your willingness to jump in. You've said that you get criticized a lot for it on here, but your love for racing is one of the reasons I liked you as an announcer. You did much more than report the running order and lap count. I don't always agree with you, but you add enough to the conversation that I know that we don't always agree...and I appreciate that.

Other than the teams and their family and friends the crates do not have a big following. They cannot draw a crowd as a stand alone program. There is not going to be the upheaval in the crowd there would be if an established star in the sprints, late models, or modifieds got the same treatment as Rocky. There is no question Vicki has her favorites. The first year of Fastrak, Max Blair was her boy. Along comes Mike Pegher and Max was dirt under her shoes. Rocky was a golden boy the first year the crate mods ran because he was an established racer switching to crate mods when there was no car count. Now the youth movement and expanded car counts along with his willingness to stand his ground and speak his mind have made him expendable. Vicki stacked the deck 4 to 1 against him with the flashlight. A brilliant move on her part. She wants him out, and he ain't seen nothing yet. I hope he can stick it out. Like I said he is kicking butt in the crate mods, so the kids will do whatever it takes to support Vicki removing their #1 rival.

#429289 Port Royal Speedway Photos 4.1.17

Posted by 3799 on 05 April 2017 - 10:57 AM

Can't wait to see the LM shots from Hagerstown.