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Member Since 02 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2012 03:29 AM

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In Topic: MC results?

01 August 2012 - 08:31 AM

Uh oh, someone pissed off the porch and hit the sleeping moron in the face again. He's awake and has managed to stagger his smoked brain to a computer with the peanut butter and jelly, and snot filled keyboard to show us his limited grasp of the English language and his amazing ability to articulate his technical knowledge, so that the rest of us can comprehend it. Smoke another one soft brain....

In Topic: MC results?

01 August 2012 - 06:03 AM

AS PREVIOUSLY STATED....of course the chassis are different. And no cart has a dynamic rear axel or suspension. AS I ALSO PREVIOUSLY stated, "with A FEW exceptions..." Most of the same chassis adjustments are made IN SOME WAY on a cart. Try and set one up sometime... It's not HOW mechanically it's done, but what you are adjusting to achieve. Those set up men who truly understand what you are trying to achieve (not HOW it's done) know exactly what I am Saying. Too many hot heads just trying to jump in and "show they know the lingo" and pound their chest. Not enough intelligent conversation.

In Topic: MC results?

31 July 2012 - 06:51 PM

This whole thread has turned into nothing more than a pissing match. "experts" are throwing around flawed information...etc. I simply wanted to say this guy is someone to keep an eye on... You'll certainly see his name and car again... Most likely flying by.. "just a fact"

In Topic: MC results?

31 July 2012 - 06:13 AM

My point is obviously, the chassis are different. Hence the manner in which the adjustments to said chassis are done didderently. But you clearly know little about chassis set up in general. I can think of VERY FEW adjustments that you make to Properly set up a late model, that are not also done, in some way on a cart, at least by the winners. Just a fact. You either understand the science, or you don't, and it is obvious within a few laps, who does and who does not. As far as Rookie... Non-rookie... Really doesn't matter. A driver by any other name... Is still... A driver. Someone else brought the "rookie" card Into the discussion... Stating it as if he had never gone around a track before.... As far as track experience.... Easily I would say he has 20 plus years... Just a fact.

In Topic: MC results?

31 July 2012 - 03:04 AM

Oh, well the rest of the racing community humbles itself before you limited racing world. I will call Websters and have them change the definition of rookie to fit your self imposed vocabulary definitions. I'd say he will see ya at the track... But without a rear view mirror, not likely. Just try and keep up....