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Member Since 06 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2013 10:48 PM

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In Topic: swartzlander

29 April 2013 - 10:39 PM

The fuel story may be believable, but I highly doubt the 83 crew miscalculated. If they were light 25#, then that means they were trying to weigh exactly the minimum weight for his size motor (ex: 2500#). They aren't that great of a team to truly factor in excess mud plus account for any cautions that night take place during the opening might of racing. Not to mention, the track wasn't a tacky fast as early on in the night, therefore they would have most likely taken out gear which would consume less fuel. If he truly raced the late model race, then he would understand that the track had slowed down. In addition to opening night and a full moon, there is no way they could have banked on having a caution free race thus using less fuel. Just my opinion, they evidently thought they could get away with whatever they were doing as they have in the past. Plus, why the sudden change to their race schedule to not run Sharon on Saturday. Afraid of getting teched away from home?

In Topic: New local TV show

07 November 2012 - 12:21 PM

The second episode of Open Throttle 360 airs tonight at 7:30pm on PCNC featuring more local dirt track action at Sharon Speedway with interviews from drivers including Bolland. Check out more details and watch last weeks episode at http://openthrottle360.com.

In Topic: Congrats Gary Risch and Swartzlander Team!

24 August 2012 - 08:45 PM

It's a shame cause the 61 team should have secured the championship. Lernerville favored 83 the night he got out of his car and went after Bolland on the track before the event was over. He should have web disqualified that night and lost all his points. If I were murdick, I'd protest the championship!

In Topic: boland gets dq'ed for talking out swartzlander

18 July 2012 - 09:52 PM

evidently all you bolland ball lickers are drinkin the same coolaide as he does! take off your blinders! he lucked fedor a few weeks ago! he was warned that night about rough driving then he pulls this stupid move. the damn vidio show clear as day when the 83 came off the top of 4for the flag bollands front wheels were pointin straight ahead! he is a dirty drivin prick and got what he had coming! he has no respect for any of the other mod guys and if you took a poll among all the other mod guys i would bet they all would say good riddens the the ass whole!

Take off your blinders as you watch Feder drive into Bolland.

http://youtu.be/8opm1t25EKE?hd=1 - from facebook.com/kevinbolland

You never hear/see anything on here about Bolland at Sharon and he races there weekly. Risch just has it out for Bolland... He couldn't beat him on the track when he raced, so he had to seek alternative ways which is ruining the sport.

In Topic: swartzslammer suspension

18 July 2012 - 12:08 PM

i heard that swartzslammer is going to be suspended for his on track antics last friday. looks like there will finally be some justice.

thank you lernerville for not playing the favoritism card.

There were a lot of people talking about it at the Outlaw show last night. Wonder how long of a suspension it is?