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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 22 2015 11:06 AM

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In Topic: Steel Block latemodels

16 September 2015 - 07:37 AM

If you're running more than 3 or 4 divisions, you're a track attempting to live off the back gate because you know damn well the front gate ain't where it needs to be.


not a true statement.


take the 4 cyl class for instance; at dog hollow the avg car count is 12. 

The purse for 12 cars would be $670. (pit pass $25)

they need to sell 27 pit passes just to cover the purse. Say they sell 20 (if you notice, these guys come as teams and they all drive their own cars and change their own tires, they aren't selling many passes to a pit crew, most of their friends and families go to the front gate)

This class is a negative $175 for a night of racing.


for anyone thinking that the lower divisions are paying the purse for upper divisions needs to take another look at it.

In Topic: Steel Block latemodels

15 September 2015 - 03:09 PM


Meh. I'm never a fan of adding divisions to an already bloated, back gate driven show.


There are very few instances where the pits actually pay the purse.

In Topic: Price of Goods from China

14 September 2015 - 06:52 PM

Trophies are made in China; anyone that runs a crate gets a trophy.