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Member Since 26 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 09 2016 10:23 PM

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In Topic: a way to help local race tracks

15 August 2016 - 06:22 PM

thats why i am saying a track needs to run it. It could be better advertised and promoted by the track. maybe the fans would be more likely to watch if they knew it helped out the track and yes production is a big part. 

this guy has a 3 video series on youtube money how it works and how it can be made.

In Topic: a way to help local race tracks

15 August 2016 - 04:45 PM

I'm not saying loud pedal makes 7 figures but the youtubers that upload a video day and get over a million views on each video are making in the 7 figure area (Pewdiepie,Movies,Youtube Spotlight,ect). I don't know that any of our area tracks will make anywhere near that but it is possible there's alotta race fans out there that could make something like that happen, but even if they could make an extra 10-20K a year off of youtube thats a good bit of money for a track could make up the difference in what is lost in a year to help keep them in business and grow on youtube with time.