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Member Since 14 Mar 2013
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: Western PA Emod Pilot Claims Eldora Track Championship

16 October 2018 - 03:29 PM

So the Taylor boy that won the stampede is the one that rolled last time at mod mania? Or do I have them mixed up.. feel like they have that place figured out. Good for the Taylor's for picking up the Eldora track championship that is a big deal imo.. one of the most famed tracks in the country.. side note would love to see one of them in a latemodel sometime

In Topic: Lernerville Modmania

21 July 2018 - 02:15 PM

Didn't one of those brothers win it last year? Also does lernerville usually have someone that posts videos, sounds like I missed some great racing

In Topic: FASTRAK implements a very unique and inexpensive solution for shock problem

23 November 2017 - 10:33 PM

Make a max psi on air/gas pressure on the shocks that'll take care of the air shocks.. simple to tech as well.. jmo

In Topic: Charlotte Races

29 October 2017 - 07:11 PM

Very smart move for rumley and davenport, to put in laps on a track that they don't race much under racing conditions throughout the year.. with the new banking and fresh clay it's good for the notebook to race on the track a few weeks before the world finals.. it's business for those guys you think they care about a bunch of keyword pushers like us whether they get called a "cherry picker".. plus if you beat him that'd be cool to say I just finished in front of Superman..

In Topic: Lernerville

17 October 2017 - 09:32 PM

That is correct, taking a decently heavy car on a 8" tire and that takes away big aggressive engines