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Member Since 14 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2015 07:39 AM

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In Topic: vintage modified chassis

10 March 2015 - 06:33 AM

Curt? My names Terry im 68 years old and have seen a lot of tracks, classes and clubs fail threw the years. They all follow the same path as the PA vintage modified are going down. They start a good then thing they get laxed on there rules race teams and people see it and leave or quit following the series or going to the track and before they know it there's nothing left. Im not the only person that see this happening. Hate to see a good thing get ruined by blind officials

In Topic: vintage modified chassis

07 March 2015 - 06:49 PM

Dint look like a pre year 2000 year chassis as the rules listed on there web site says pre year 2000 only that's y I ask.

So I can find any year chassis and put some square tubing over the rear and that makes it legal?

In Topic: vintage modified chassis

04 March 2015 - 09:41 PM

Pictures of frame