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Racer Guy 761

Member Since 12 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2013 11:32 PM

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In Topic: Mercer Raceway Park Mini Stocks

12 July 2013 - 11:41 AM

No yeah I'll do anything doesn't really matter to me lol, by spin you mean with the car on and me hitting the gas or with me just spinning it with my hands?

Car jacked up and by hitting the gas, is my understanding. Hopefully someone else or Brad himself could chime in on this. Btw, I got to admit I like your willingness to do all this. It's been a while since I have seen it done. I am willing to admit that, lol.

In Topic: Mercer Raceway Park Mini Stocks

12 July 2013 - 11:14 AM

No I've not heard of him or it, what is it?

He's the old tech guy at Mercer, his method of testing if cars where locked out. It's pretty fool proof, when cars are on the ground one tire can still spin while one stays still even if there is a lockout. His method was to jack up the car, apply some tape to the tires, then put the car in gear and then spin the tires. By spinning the tires if the tape lines move and match back up they are not locked out, if they don't then they are locked up. Honestly, this is my interpretation of it, but the best and most knowledgeable would be Brad Hibbert, he has a race shop called Race-1 over in Poland, Oh. You could call or email and ask him. Or maybe some other veteran racers could come in and give some more insight on this.

The ground method does not often apply to all vehicles, but I'm pretty sure the tape method does. That's why I suggested it. Like I said, just my suggestion to stop some of the rumors.

In Topic: Mercer Raceway Park Mini Stocks

12 July 2013 - 10:19 AM

I actually did just that last week and they didn't even inspect the car which I believe was requested before the race. Anyone arguing that my car is locked or welded is free to come over and watch the car have one tire still on the ground and one tire spinning with power.

Ap24, do you remember a guy named Brad Hibbard (old tech inspector, maybe before your time), he had a method of taping tires. It dispelled all rumors. I say put on a show, it will shut these people up so we can get back to what we are all there for. Personally I am tired of the drama. I am tired of the new rules, rescinded rules, etc. Mercer has been known not to follow their own rules at times, they need to either open it up or stick to their rules (this doesn't mean anything personal to you).

In Topic: Mercer Raceway Park Mini Stocks

12 July 2013 - 09:40 AM

AP24 Why not just jack your car up and tape the tires, I know a lot of "complaining" has come from other drivers thinking your locked out. Dispel all the complaints and let's get back to racing. I say shut some of these people and just prove it, but that's me. As far as the horsepower rule, eh, I say open that up, but then again just me.