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Member Since 23 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2015 05:36 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 2012 Haulmark 24' Enclosed Trailer

31 December 2014 - 12:07 PM

Send me a text 8147153048

In Topic: 2012 Haulmark 24' Enclosed Trailer

29 December 2014 - 05:02 PM

Still have

In Topic: monte carlo hobby stock

19 December 2014 - 09:02 PM

No motor??

In Topic: Just my Opinion

23 October 2014 - 01:04 AM

I agree with her people only want what makes them happy it's impossible to make everyone happy I try my best to be positive on here as much as I can and I have offered countless times to help Bo out I wish everyone the best and hope there is a chili at the moutian in 2015 I have yet to partake in one so let's get some positive attitudes going and help the sport grow

In Topic: Thunder Mountain Update

20 October 2014 - 04:29 PM

Why won't they get many cars streets I think will boom there did before and purestocks will do the same they need to call the streets outlaw streets and let them build away its outta hand now