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Member Since 07 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2016 06:03 AM

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In Topic: mercer dropping stock's for 8-15-2015

09 August 2015 - 02:42 PM

Or drop the stocks all together... they only get 12 and all they are is a damn headache.... that division is old news fellas.   id pay to watch another 410 feature that wild again any day.. 358 race was a good one too..  track was the best and least dusty I've seen it all year... pretty sure its the mini stocks and stock cars that have the man wanting to run.. wish he would drop them and have a less dramatic evening.

In Topic: Mercer shows their true colors for the upcoming weekend.

09 July 2015 - 10:38 AM

isnt there a race honoring lou blaney that day??? stands outta be empty at both places

In Topic: In car camera MRP Stock Car feature 7/4/15. Burns taking out Bish

09 July 2015 - 10:31 AM

HA clear as day you jack asses...... 29 tried to pinch the 66 in the bottom... the 66 didnt lift... Dont really care for the 66 but I wouldnt blame him he did what anyone in their right mind woulda done....  29 tried slamming the door on the wrong car is what i saw... Then acts all pissed off that someone didnt lift for him....