I can tell you for a fact that Rick certainly was not asked, nor did he give approval as far as that classless jerk Garvin is concerned. After an on track incident, Garvin, who I would have to guess was in his late 20s at the time (not completely sure about his age), snuck up from behind on a man in his mid-50s and cracked him on the side of the head with a metal pipe. Never said a word, just sneaked up on him and Rick never knew it was coming. Complete punk move. Rick had to be taken by ambulance to Indiana hospital, where they discovered that Garvin had actually cracked the man's skull...and after going through the courts Garvin was forced to pay medical bills. Davis could have tried to sue his sorry ass, but has too much pride and class to do that. I think it's a complete joke that this asshat is allowed anywhere near that speedway. Not to mention how disrespectful it is to Mr. Davis and his family.
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