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to the fence hasn't added any friends yet.
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In Topic: Sportsman's to give Sweeney RUSH Sportsman Mods a Sunday night home in...
26 November 2014 - 08:20 PM
In Topic: Sportsman's to give Sweeney RUSH Sportsman Mods a Sunday night home in...
26 November 2014 - 09:04 AM
After numerous conversations with those involved, it was stated that the release could have been worded better. The statement of Sportsmans 358s being allowed to run with the RUSH mods was actually meant to say that just like Dingo said even if you was champion last year or top 10 in points they are going to let you run. This is a bend of the RUSH rules and I applaud them for this. In speaking with the drivers that race there they took it as they would be allowed to run (with penalties such as weight......) for a year and phase out as season or at end of season. That being said we will not be there this season as we race fulltime at a different 358 track. And in talking to the guys I raced with at knox of the 7 I talked to not one is going to stay there. That sucks for the fans as RUSH gets even less than we did for a field of cars. So starboyshady and NickD go ahead and put your two cents in but it doesn't really matter what you say you don't have anything involved in it. Its us that supported the track that are getting screwed.
In Topic: Sportsman's to give Sweeney RUSH Sportsman Mods a Sunday night home in...
20 November 2014 - 09:06 PM
In Topic: Sportsman's to give Sweeney RUSH Sportsman Mods a Sunday night home in...
20 November 2014 - 04:52 PM
In Topic: Simpson Racing Suit
19 November 2014 - 07:31 AM
What size
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