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Member Since 08 Jul 2015
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2015 09:57 AM

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In Topic: In car camera MRP Stock Car feature 7/4/15. Burns taking out Bish

09 July 2015 - 11:57 AM

Team 29 .... Just so you know I have not always sat in the bleachers I was a racer for over 10 years in another state and simply quit racing because of issues like this dirty racing is unacceptable no matter what racing you are involved in it was clear to me that the 66 car did exactly as anyone else would have done he kept his line and the 29 whether he lost control or did it on purpose came down on him . if the situation was reversed I am sure u would say the 29 car did the exact same thing . let's just hope that both teams are over this situation and don't continue it on the track and destroy anymore expensive equipment

In Topic: In car camera MRP Stock Car feature 7/4/15. Burns taking out Bish

09 July 2015 - 08:49 AM

I am not on here for a pissing match . I just know I saw the 29 car driving way over his head at times to get to the 66 car. As I said before I am not a fan of either one of these cars because I am from out of town . and as far as I can see it all of yens on here are 29 fans so u r gonna believe that it's all someone else's fault and not your driver. There are racing incidents that happen and with watching the video several times it definitely don't look like its the 66 cars fault he was leading and set his car and kept his line unlike the 29 car. Whether the 29 car intentionally came down on the 66 or whatever I don't think anyone needed to be blamed until the 29 intentionally hit the 66 car on the last lap and for that he should have been and was DQ'd . all of these racers are adults and should act like it. Thats all I am gonna say .

In Topic: In car camera MRP Stock Car feature 7/4/15. Burns taking out Bish

08 July 2015 - 08:02 PM

This is pretty funny I was sitting in the stands and watched all the races and I seen the 29 driving like an idiot all night . he tried to beat the 66 car in the heat and several times in the feature and couldn't . then the 66 set his car in the corner and 29 hit him. I am not a fan of either of these cars but I know what I saw from just to the right of the flag stand ( where I was sitting). And then the 29 purposely took 66 car out on last lap. Some real sportsman's like conduct there . I didn't know there was a confrontation between them in the pits . where can I find that video at and see what happened down there. ???