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Member Since 26 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2019 09:38 PM

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In Topic: Mercer

12 July 2018 - 06:22 AM

Racer17L, if you honestly think Scott was trying to “poach” other drivers then you’ve never meet him. He’s about the nicest guy in the pits, willing to give anyone the shirt off his back. He is simply informing the teams that there’s a race Friday, what if stateline rains out or cancels for any reason, now the stock guys know they have a good paying option for Saturday as well.

The date might seem dumb to you, but being that sprint cars are the headliner it is actually a perfect date with a lot of Ohio tracks shutting down for the weekend because of the Kings royal at eldora. This race give the lower buck Ohio guys a place to race for good pay Saturday, and the wpa guys a three day weekend.

Try and have a better day, with less bitching, and being thankful that a track that was closed at least had one more shot...