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- Member Title Cool Newbie
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Topics I've Started
Turnkey Street Stock
15 November 2016 - 08:49 AM
Turnkey street stock with 406 CI motor by Evanuak Performance Too many parts to list call Charlie 724-433-5461 or Joe 724-454-5408 $12,500 complete turnkey $2500 for roller
Benefit Dinner/Basket Raffle for Terry "Mole" Bassaro
07 April 2016 - 08:07 PM
Mole has been involved in racing for many years especially at Dog Hollow and Marion Center. He was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. Please come support him and his family for a spaghetti dinner and basket raffle benefit. It will take place this Saturday April 9th from noon-4 at the Heilwood Sportsmans Club, 417 Hamill Rd (just past entrance to dog hollow on left). Adult dinner $10, Child's portion $5. Please come out and support a fellow racing family in a time of need. Thank you and best of luck to all race teams getting ready for the up coming season.
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