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Member Since 16 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 03 2020 09:49 AM

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In Topic: You all need to post something on here it is the local racing board !

27 January 2020 - 11:44 AM

There is way to many classes for the stampede to work regardless how you look at it. You shouldnt have 2-3 different types of the same class. I ran the stampede two years ago and dont plan on running it again. Way to long of an event and to many laps on the track each day. They need to get stock car rules back to stock cars or at least equal to other tracks or with other dirt car sanctioned tracks.

In Topic: You all need to post something on here it is the local racing board !

26 January 2020 - 08:40 AM

The Big Blocks have consistently had the best racing on a weekly basis for a couple of years now. But, by all means........approach the Tomson's with your idea of what a windfall weekly 4-cylinder racing would provide for the track.

Most definitely did not mean I wanna watch the 4 cylinders. I said I would rather watch them vs the big blocks. It saying they should run there. Just that I dont like to watch them. Granted the racing up here 180 degrees diff then where Im from and its not gonna change. Not bashing Lernerville either, just saying what a ton of people say, lot of room for improvement

In Topic: You all need to post something on here it is the local racing board !

25 January 2020 - 01:58 PM

Good point Vigoda, weekly shows are for sure getting worse before better. Hell the stock cars there cant even go run with any other stock cars because of the rules. I personally would rather watch 4 cylinders before big blocks any day.

In Topic: You all need to post something on here it is the local racing board !

24 January 2020 - 06:22 PM

Most people prolly doesnt post anything because they know it will most likely not matter a bit. I think certain tracks could do better to attract more racers.

In Topic: Lernerville 2020

11 January 2020 - 03:34 PM

But it has to be a late model tire or is it any Hoosier tire?