Now that Im able to attend races my work place has decided to work on a regular schedule for the 4th. So that means I have to work the night of the race, some one keep me updated on the events that evening. Every one have a great 4th and enjoy the race.
I hope Ron has a great turn out for one of the best races around here for 360,s and mods. The best point great pay out for making the big show. CONGRATS RON ON THE BOB REYNOLDS MEMORIAL.
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- Age 74 years old
- Birthday March 28, 1950
lima oh
racing fan 45 years and hotdogs ,
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Bob Reynolds Memorial
30 June 2014 - 05:47 PM
In Topic: Limaland Fantasy League Week 8 PICKS Jun 6th
06 June 2014 - 06:11 AM
Is Kenny Schrader suppose to be at Lima? The tv says Wallace and Schrader, but the flyer on Face Book says only Wallace.
In Topic: Millstream
20 April 2014 - 04:42 PM
Hate to say it because the people of that area deserve better but as long as he owns it you will never see a race and proably end up like New Breman.
In Topic: Bob Reynolds Memorial payout
08 March 2014 - 07:32 AM
Wholly Crap what a pay out.
In Topic: Wrench 1 Congrats
07 November 2013 - 08:34 PM
Hell yes i will work 4 or 8 yrs and and retire with a great pension from the tax payers of the U.S.A.
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