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Member Since 12 Oct 2002
Offline Last Active Aug 31 2017 04:40 PM

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In Topic: Racetrack bashing

02 August 2016 - 09:50 AM

Some people just want to create drama and start trouble. That's what category a lot of the posters here fit into. Then you have those who expect everything to be perfect at a racetrack and they think every night should be the best they've ever seen. It doesn't always go that way, and they will be the first to complain. Then you have those who've got no clue all the work that goes into keeping a track going, and (as you said Racer65x) don't appreciate what they have. Thank you to those who DO understand, but that 10% minority is much more vocal. And, yes, THOSE are the ones who deter others from going and that's what is killing the sport.

In Topic: Hummingbird speedway.

10 July 2016 - 11:38 AM

Last night I was standing by the pit board when his grandson (I think) drew a 21 pill for the heat. He did not start on the pole. As for the feature, it's based on heat finishes plus a random pill draw invert. I'm sure if you ask on any given night, they will show you (on paper) how it works; even let you draw the invert.