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- Age 53 years old
- Birthday March 16, 1971
Lakeview, Ohio
Anything that goes fast!!!!!!!!!!!!
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In Topic: Hoosiers on stocks at WRP and Findlay
28 March 2011 - 09:09 AM
When it was decided that UMP Hoosiers would be optional it was also understood that you could mix and match. If you want to run a DOT or some DOT's then that is your option.
In Topic: RIP Bill Gross
08 February 2011 - 10:19 AM
We lost a true ambassador to the sport of racing in Bill. I've enjoyed every conversation I've ever had with Bill and feel blessed to have known him. You will be missed Bill!!!
In Topic: rumor or fact?
01 February 2011 - 03:42 PM
Hey Gibbs, I know your comment was off the cuff but I think you should look at the bigger picture. Sure these guys will have a learning curve but no different that a guy or gal that is starting out in mods from the start. Are they gonna make mistakes....sure! Are they wreckless driver.....not at all! The guys that are making the move are all good people #1 and #2 they don't have the funds to spill too much into reapirs so they don't want to wreck any more than the next guy. Matt Twining has already turned some laps in a mod at WRP (in race format I might add) and he held his own.
I think these guys have plenty of common sense that will be just fine. I personally wish them the best this season!!!
In Topic: Bill Gross
01 February 2011 - 08:04 AM
We're all behind you Bill. You are a true inspiration to many of us!
In Topic: Waynesfield releases 2011 schedule
25 January 2011 - 09:15 AM
It will be nice to see you back there again Pete!
I'm excited and hope we can draw some stocks. I know they may be hesitant at first but hopefully they will know and understand that Greg is one of their supporters and they will return that support to him.
Yes, Dean did run a quick show and ran things in a professional manner, WRP will always be greatful for having Dean Miracle there. We will do our best to keep the shows running fast and hopefully some ideas will come up in the meetings that will be scheduled.
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