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Member Since 24 Jan 2003
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#401384 Thunder Mountiant

Posted by PennL8Fan on 28 November 2014 - 05:04 PM

First it's pay to register and combined pay for all book keeping expenses through out the year, to put on the show for them.  Now it's pay for tech and pay for the tech inspector + through out the year.  


What's next?  Buy a membership to be allowed to purchase in the concessions and then how about the annual $1 fee fans have to pay for insurance and to be allowed to buy tickets.  OH! almost forgot the annual go get it charge if you want to purchase fuel at the track, to cover the expense of having someone sell fuel to you.  How about the new cubic inch and horse power charge.  That the extra charge to race, set on engine output.  Bigger engines tear up the track more and cause more expense fixing the track, so the higher hp you run the higher it costs to race.  I heard one track owner saying how there fed up with all the dust sprint cars, big blocks and supers make, so there going to charge them an air quality fee.  




#400749 CNB Raceway Park

Posted by PennL8Fan on 11 November 2014 - 04:46 PM

Anyone believing a magic wand will be waved over that place in 2015 is living in the land of unicorns, lollipop lanes and candy corn mountains. But keep up the hope. If there's one thing Clearfield 'studders' are good at, it's running a track from a keyboard.


If anyone needs a keygen crack for the Home Racing Promoter Simulator, let me know. You got two tracks to run this upcoming year. All those other sims were flops.

#394615 Special at AMP

Posted by PennL8Fan on 26 July 2014 - 06:19 AM

Best of luck competing with the free admission day at the fair on Sunday. That's rather gutsy. Apparently the crack promotion staff at AMP has their finger on the pulse of local entertainment preferences.

#390640 CNB Bank Raceway Park - Sunday May 25

Posted by PennL8Fan on 25 May 2014 - 08:19 PM

  I'm sure the diehard dirt fans will have a field day with this


