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Thunder Dog

Member Since 29 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2014 09:59 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 28n given another week

19 July 2014 - 10:00 AM

I remember a guy who was dominating the SS class at Dog Hollow in the early years of the track, they checked everything and he was legal, then they found how he was cheating, he filled the cross member  (I beleive that's what it was) with lead to make the car more stable. He was disqualified and lost all points accumulated for the season.

NOW, my question is, if you cheat to win, what does it prove? I am not saying 28N is cheating, I have no idea, I'm just wondering if you cheat to win races, how does that make you feel? Did you win fair and square?, No, so, again, what have you proven? That you can cheat to win? Prove you can win and not cheat, then you've done something.
Ok, sorry. Rant over!

In Topic: AMP cancelled for July 19th

19 July 2014 - 09:52 AM

Weather looks iffy and I know tracks don't like to pull a lot of drivers from a distance away if there is a threat of rain, plus the pits are really saturated at AMP from the rain all night. 

In Topic: Dog Hollow Results for July 18

19 July 2014 - 09:50 AM

For the record, Dave types in his sleep sometimes, and seventh in the Late Models should be DUANE Stiner, not Mike! Not sure who Mike Stiner is???

In Topic: Stay classy race fans

19 July 2014 - 09:49 AM

Weezer2, I am guessing by the comments from "The Legend" he must do this a lot. He must be one of the ones who screams cheater when his favorite driver doesn't win.

In Topic: amp needs cars

18 June 2014 - 10:14 AM

I don't come into this site often, because most of the comments are opinions from people who have never operated a race track and don't have a clue, but when someone says I said something, that is the furthest thing from the truth, it pisses me off!
I don't know who grt0404 is, nor do I really care, but I will say I never told anyone AMP was closing in two weeks! I never said it because it's not true. I heard the "Rumor" when someone told me I said it!
Stop pointing fingers at people to make yourself look good and the others look bad,
And while I'm here, I may as well note that yes, Jeff did cut pays earlier in the season, and I agree it was too early, but I also know why he did it. And While he may have cut them, he was still offering more than neighboring tracks, except in the Late Models.
He plans to increase those once again, not sure how much, but he needed to see how things stood.
Show me a track that doesn't need cars?
AMP has no intentions of closing, so if you're here for points, trust me, you'll be glad you stayed, as there is a great point fund at the end of the season.
Jeff is already talking about next season and he has put out a ton of money on advertising, does this sound like a track preparing to close in two weeks?
I think not!
Lastly, Don't use my name for your own stupid lies!