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Member Since 26 Oct 2000
Offline Last Active Mar 19 2015 01:02 PM

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In Topic: Clearview Mall Car Show

19 March 2015 - 01:00 PM

Ya know, I was thinking about heading to the mall this weekend to check out the cars.
Now with this social media post, I don't have to.
I thought the idea was to get people out to the mall so they could spend some $$ there?
I know you can't stop others from posting but I'm not sure it's a great idea for the hosting track to post all the pics of the cars (in one collective post) before the show even starts. Make the best of show award go to real ballots not thumb pressed "likes". Maybe afterwards, post photos for the folks who couldn't make it but geez, give a little incentive for some foot traffic.
Call me old fashioned but that my opinon.

In Topic: Sharon crates

12 November 2014 - 02:02 PM

It all went down hill when you followed the money trail and switched from Goodyears to the purple tires. Goodyear made tires that were slower on the clock but lasted longer. The purple company, well, they are in business to sell tires so they develop "spec" tires that don't last but are faster on the clock. Then they dangle that "up front" point money to lure the sanctioning bodies into the trap. So who ultimately losses? The racer of course and in this case Sharon cause that track just EATS the current spec selections of either series. It had nothing to do with which crate series was running the show, it had everything to do with racers budgets. But hell, who cares about them, the purple company and the sanctions get their money either way.

In Topic: tony stewart

25 September 2014 - 10:25 AM

Actually, I have a hard time believing he toked up right before the race cause if he did, his temper would have been mellowed to the point that he would have never gotten out of his car and "went off" on Stewart.
Come on people, use your heads, for anyone that has been around stoned folks, (not drunk AND stoned, just stoned), can anyone honestly recall a time where those stoned individuals got belligerent and violent?
That shit might give you the munchies, alter your way of thinking and make you stare at a spot on the wall for half an hour but I have never seen it make someone violent or increase their temper.
Really, it does quite the opposite. Do I think it was in his system from the day prior? Yep. Do I judge the kids character from the toxicology reports? No.
The kid made a bad decision on the track in the heat of the moment that cost him his life, I don't think Mary Jane had any influence on that decision at that time no matter what the toxicology report says. He's just one of many hot headed kids that unfortunately paid for a poor choice with his life.