I am sorry for your loss. Always enjoyed watching him race and talking with him at the track.
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- Member Title Junior Member
- Age 70 years old
- Birthday April 24, 1954
Imperial, Pa
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In Topic: Wee Willie White
28 April 2016 - 03:59 PM
In Topic: Potential Disaster at Dog Hollow
11 August 2015 - 04:06 PM
Dry cemical is the only way to go. You can put out a lot of fire with a 30# extinguisher full of purple-K dry cemical. While foam is a good extinguishing agent it takes time to get the foam flowing, you have to pull a heavy truck in to position, pull the hose line off the truck, charge the line and introduce the foam into the water stream. Time, it takes time to do all that seconds are lost while doing it, seconds that a driver might not have to spare. With a 30# extinguisher filled with purple-k it takes seconds before extinguishing the fire. It's all about time when a driver is still in a burning car. This is just my opinion but it is made with 20+ years in the fire fighting service
In Topic: Policz and Robertson at PPMS
29 May 2015 - 11:47 AM
It's a normal summer forcast. Hot, humid with a chance of thunderstorms.
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