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Member Since 28 Sep 2003
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In Topic: Price of Goods from China

14 September 2015 - 09:09 PM

Why do they need a listening? 

Because, the teams, the league, the players own the rights to the logos, images etc. And they sell the rights to use those for commercial gain.

In Topic: Price of Goods from China

14 September 2015 - 08:35 PM

Most of the cost of professional sports memorabilia is not the cost of the goods but the cost of licensing. The $23 jerseys are bootleg (counterfeit) and no licensing paid.

In Topic: Fab4 Fueled by Turner's Quick Results 8.21 - Lux wins in the Detman #111

22 August 2015 - 03:32 AM








In Topic: The damn Pirate management really needs to wake up.

13 July 2015 - 10:06 AM

 What does photography have to do with this? Is that a shot at me? If you want to compare or complain about the short track photography situation in 2015 vs the earlier days please start your own thread.


 What I did was post a sarcasrtic, tounge in cheek comment showing a comparison between one of the most successful sports franchises in the country and any number of small race tracks, and many other entertainment venues which could be located anywhere in the country.


  I'm sure that there are more than a few fans who leave PNC park with their own list of complaints and ideas about how management could make the experience better for them. "They should have started earlier, the should spend a few bucks and get another mid relief pitcher, power hitter, the Nachos were too cold, too hot etc, etc."


  One huge difference is that the stick and ball fans do have an investment into these venues with the use of taxpayer money funding the venue, not so with privately owned race tracks, ammusement parks, movie theaters etc.

In Topic: The damn Pirate management really needs to wake up.

12 July 2015 - 10:53 PM

"Sarcasim" Walt. Read between the lines. Substitute any racetrack for the Pirates And Don Martin for the Galbreaths.