I was not there but I did see a tweet that he ran over someone to win. Just wondered if anybody could shed any light on that. Hoping not the case and that was the only place I heard anything about it. He is running a lot better in the XR1
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In Topic: Colton Glimmer Wins at Port Royal
31 July 2018 - 01:01 PM
In Topic: Michael Norris wins Stateline
20 July 2018 - 12:21 PM
I think this was the best race I ever seen Mike run and he has had some good ones. He is really coming of age. The patience was amazing between waiting on his tires, setting up lap traffic and the pass on Wyatt was classic vet move. Also apologized for bumping on a short track, well he did an excellent job of not gettin over anxious. There were several times when he was getting pressure from behind the he literally could have ran over Blair or Wyatt. Excellent job Mike!
In Topic: Change My Mind: Max Blair Edition
20 July 2018 - 07:18 AM
Sounds like to me that #thetruth is a Norris purest and was a little testy about the attention Max got for the DirtMillion. I am a big Norris fan, think he deserves a shot with a National ride also but love the fact a local, any local is getting attention. I have seen them both race at different venues. I have to say if Max ran Lernerville on Fridays and Mike ran Eriez on Sunday every week? It would probably be pretty close on win totals for the year. As far as either one of them racing to MAKE money, that is the most ridiculous comment I have ever heard. They barely pay for tires on a weekly basis the way they both run their schedule. I believe the term is they schedule so they can afford to keep racing. This topic is like anything else. We know how opinions are and that was mine.
In Topic: SLM Frank Choura Memorial race $2525 to win
11 April 2018 - 04:55 PM
In Topic: SLM Frank Choura Memorial race $2525 to win
11 April 2018 - 04:54 PM
He was a true racer. Truck driver by day and spent countless hrs in his garage doing it by hand at night. RIP
Glad to see this happening.
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