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Member Since 14 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 20 2021 03:26 PM

#416047 hummingbird street stocks 2016

Posted by TOPGUNRACER on 31 October 2015 - 05:33 PM

The latest news from Louie is No new classes. The rules will stay the same. He did say he might have to raise the pit fee because of the rising cost of insurance.

#412334 Car counts

Posted by TOPGUNRACER on 28 August 2015 - 07:45 PM

I agree with Race Ace 100%.  Ramsey31 just doesn't get the point.  A purestock from 2015 would beat a street stock from 2005!  These older guy that didn't have the money to "evolve" like you say still can't compete in the lower class.  These classes shouldn't be evolving at all.  Back in the 90's there were rules in place that kept these classes competitive and promoted a "graduation system".  There were claimer rules that kept the cost of builds down, and there where rules in place that stated if you win more than 5 features a year you have to move up in class the following season.  This kept the Stocks competitive.  If drivers wanted to "Evolve" they should've bought a Late Model or a Modified.  But instead they were too used to being the top dog in their class and were reluctant to move up.  A lot of them were friends of track owners and talked them into opening up the rules of that class.  Just so they didn't have to move up.


As for your statement that People aren't just moving up because of more money you're wrong!  I know because myself and about 5 or 6 others did the same thing.  A lot of it is Jeff Taylor's fault.  He created a class of latemodels that isn't really a crate and it's not as fast as a steel block, and then closed the gates.  now you have about 10 drivers that don't belong in Steel blocks.  I bought a latemodel to move up, and fortunately had enough commonsense to know that LM is just too big of a jump.  It was cost effective for me to Run PS when AMP was open.  The track is 5 min from my garage.  But now that I have to tow 35-40 min away just to get to hummingbird, it doesn't pay to tow a PS. 


I'm not saying that I need to make money racing!  It's a hobby and unless you have serious sponsor dollars coming in and are winning all the time like the VSI boys, you're not going to make any money.  But it cost me about $125 to tow, pay pit fee, and pay for fuel regardless of running latemodel or running Purestock.  LM you're guaranteed $100 if you make the show $50 if you don't.  PS youre guaranteed $40?  I'm sorry but I'll take losing $30 a night compared to losing $80.  IMO $30 for a Saturday night out is what I'd spend to take my girl to the movies anyway.  I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way.  Look at Hummingbird alone.  You have 30LM's this year when you were lucky to have 15 last year!  Dan Smeal, Steve Arthurs, Joe Kot, Curtis Teats.  All guys that moved up from Street stock to make more money.

Some guys move up because they want the challange.Smeal and Kot have won champoinships and many features ,Arthurs has won some features, this year he got a ride in a LM.There other guys that should not be on the track.Put a cube limit and stock block on the street stocks that would be a good first step. Put the pure stocks back on street tires.

#405996 Hummingbird

Posted by TOPGUNRACER on 01 May 2015 - 06:58 AM

Yes Ferrell can wheel a car and it dosent hurt to be able to throw money at the car,He has got it and he is using it

#397933 Jeff Taylor's Side Word For Word - As Told In AARN

Posted by TOPGUNRACER on 12 September 2014 - 11:26 AM

If I remember when Dickey was running Gamblers there was very little bitching on here, he was bending over backwards for the racers & fans.

But when the FIREMEN thought he was making thousands of bucks and demanded there money before the night was over it sent him over the deep end.He did not even have money to pay for his medication he was only trying to keep that track open.

The signs on RT153 still say GAMBLERS RACEWAY PARK.

#395165 street stocks out of control 28S

Posted by TOPGUNRACER on 05 August 2014 - 07:05 AM

Just heard both Nate and Ray have had there Birthdays taken away for the rest of the year also.

#393054 Street Stock Class

Posted by TOPGUNRACER on 30 June 2014 - 11:17 AM

The guys that spend the big money CAN be beat!