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Member Since 17 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Mar 30 2008 10:34 AM

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In Topic: Racing in 2007

18 January 2007 - 05:48 PM

Hey Dan this is Chris that was not Deb she had no part of that.. It was that crazy guy on the back stretch my Dad.. I understand where your coming from as a racer but your guess is better then are's on the track. As far as we know nothing is finalized yet but heard there was some good things so just have to wait and find out.. BUT CANNOT WAIT TOOO LONG!!!!! Have a good one and hope to see you out there...

In Topic: Racing in 2007

18 January 2007 - 12:58 AM

As for time during yellows if you guys would like to go up and score cars come up your more than welcome, it seems the drivers and spectators can score better,if the drivers would listen to the track offical and go to the position they were told too things would go faster as for the board we used that and it didnt work either.So wait to see what is going to happen,there is alot going on to finalize things to make a successful season.

In Topic: miller?

21 September 2006 - 12:02 PM

SprinterFan101 Yea the people in the tower are related to him but what does that have to do with the last completed lap.... He got his spot back because the caution wasn't for him and when the caution came out all of the field wasn't across the line.. I know because I am one of the three scores up there.. You guys find some of the stupid things to complain about...

In Topic: miller?

12 September 2006 - 01:42 PM

they went back to the last completed lap after the yellow came out