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Member Since 20 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active May 11 2014 04:22 PM

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Wicked Graphics

03 March 2013 - 04:07 PM

These are our low cost lettering packages. We combine the basic parts of the racecar together in one package that can save you some money. Of course, packages can have sponsors and numbers added at additional cost. Call about adding extra sponsors to your order with a price quote. If you don't think your order will fall into a package....CALL to discuss your order. ECONO: ------------------------------- $79.50 (3) large numbers (2) small numbers (2) drivers names all one color per decal BASIC: ---------------------------------- $139.50 ( 3) large numbers (2) small numbers (4) sponsors (2) drivers names all one color per decal * 2 color numbers add $30 STANDARD: ----------------------------- $219.50 (3) large 2 color numbers (2) small 2 color numbers (4) 2 color sponsors (2) drivers names (5) Crew/Thanks names * Special colors on numbers add $30 DELUXE: --------------------------------- $299.50 (3) larger 3 color numbers (2) small 3 color numbers (6) 2 color sponsors (2) drivers names (5) Crew/Thanks names * Numbers are 1 Special color and 2 Standard colors * Sponsors are 1 Special color and 1 Standard color SUPREME: ------------------------------- $399.50 (3) large 3 color numbers (2) small 3 color numbers (6) 3 color sponsors (2) drivers names (5) Crew/Thanks names * Numbers and Sponsors are 2 Special colors and 1 Standard color