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LM D42

Member Since 13 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 28 2019 11:22 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Purse climbing for 7th Red Miley Rumble, thank you sponsors

13 August 2013 - 06:08 PM

Matt, how about offering that extra money if a certain amount of cars show up? Say 12 cars 400 16 cars 500 for example...just thought it would be a simple solution... And also we would like to put up $53 to the last running car on the track from Dobs automotive in memory of our parents Karen and Michael dobnak

In Topic: late model tires *free*

03 December 2012 - 08:21 PM

Car and racers are gone...just hoosier tires left

In Topic: FASTRAK Un-Official Results Friday Night Fights Topless Twin 40's

06 October 2012 - 02:08 PM

Is there a way to watch or listen to this online tonight?

In Topic: Laboon 17 race at PPMS..... Whos coming?

24 August 2012 - 03:39 PM

I'm thinking no less than a full field...may even need a b-main...maybe that's wishful thinking though?

In Topic: PPMS Saturday 8/25- Special Sportsman/Cadet race

16 August 2012 - 07:45 PM

So sorry to hear about your dad Vince...and I'm glad your ok after that roll...my thoughts go out to you and your family from me and the entire dobnak racing crew Gus