Absolute. Show car quality!Liked the not sandblasting part. 6AAbsolute Powder Coating in St Marys, PA. I've used around ten different powder coaters throughout the years and these guys are by far the best quality! Good service and fair prices! Very durable and last longer. They take that extra time to prep stuff the way it should be. Also, they dont sand blast but they melt the old powder off which is way better on your frame than blasting. Call them at 814-781-1160.
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In Topic: Powder Coating
02 November 2013 - 07:01 AM
In Topic: vintage modifieds
15 October 2013 - 06:11 PM
This is my favorite one!!! Bult it in early 80' and i mean built it!! From a pile of tubing up to the body, even cut out own motor plate for the Ford six cylinder (300 cid). We were lucky to find it and restoreit. Even had it hand letteed by same sign man that did it in 80's. Wes Osmer
In Topic: SHARON September 21 preview
18 September 2013 - 04:55 PM
Looing forward to it.
In Topic: RAM clutch
31 August 2013 - 11:06 PM
It is a Ford !!BUY A FORD!!!
In Topic: Good things happen to good people; Ferree wins Hoffman Memorial
19 August 2013 - 11:37 AM
Osmer Racing gave $50 to Garret Krummert for leading lap 6 in memory of Dave. He was a driver of our latemodel. Wes
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