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Member Since 16 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2007 02:09 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Bad Rumor

15 August 2007 - 11:47 AM

I think it's a question worth asking. It should have been answered long before now considering the season is almost over. I understand that you want people to come to the officails first but either way the drivers are going to talk and everyone would hear about this anyway and thats a reason to post it on here. Better than them hearing it at the track and then going to your pay out girls and them baring the rath right? Well hope for your guys sake you get somthing at the end of the year, it's been a good year racing and I'd hate for everyone not to come back because of this.

In Topic: Waynesfield Motorsports Park Week 8 Results

25 June 2007 - 01:36 PM

They really have turned that track around! It makes for good racing. Lot of cars going there now and the competion is really pickin up. Its nice going to a race and not being covered in dust and actually being able to see whats going on on he track. lima need a few tips? lol

In Topic: Jr. to have black car

31 May 2007 - 05:48 PM

he should keep the red car but put 6.5 on it like in the commercial that would be hilarious!!!! :lol:

In Topic: miller?

25 September 2006 - 07:54 AM

it wasnt about miller, it could of been anyone and i would of said the same thing. i was just wondering and someone said it was because of his family. so whatever it doesnt matter now. i like miller and glad to see him running good i just didnt get it so man cut me some slack! GEEZ!

In Topic: miller?

22 September 2006 - 09:33 PM

well the way i see it i dont care if its the last completed lap or not if you go off the track and come back on then thats your bad and you stay where you were racin at! i dont know the rules oviously and i cant change them im just here to spreak my opinion!! thats what this is here for right???